Elder Law
Las Vegas Elder Law Attorney
Contact Our Trusted Law Firm Today at (702) 703-6998!
At Bowler Twitchell LLP, we have extensive experience handling guardianships and other elder law issues. Contact us online or by telephone at to speak with our experienced elder law attorney in Henderson, Nevada.
What Sets Our Elder Law Firm Apart?
- 50 Years' Collective Experience
- Selected For Super Lawyers®
- A+ BBB Rating
- Top Avvo Rating of Superb
- Reputable & Ethical Law Firm
- Se Habla Español
Guardianships: Rights and Responsibilities
Our elder law attorney can help you with all of the necessary legal details of establishing a guardianship. If you obtain guardianship rights over another person, you will be required to take on many responsibilities on the behalf of that individual.
The specific terms of each guardianship may vary, but they generally include performing duties such as:
- Paying bills
- Handling bank accounts
- Taking care of property
- Making health care decisions
Medicaid Planning
Our lawyers can also help protect your elderly loved ones from losing Medicaid benefits. Mismanagement of financial affairs could lead to ineligibility for Medicaid benefits and put elderly individuals on shaky ground as far as receiving needed medical care. We give counsel on estate planning and Medicaid planning as well as protecting assets from the enormous expenses involved in nursing homes and long-term care.
Contact Our Qualified Nevada Elder Law Lawyer
If you are dealing with a difficult elder law issue, we can help. For your convenience, we accept all major credit cards. We also speak Spanish. Do not hesitate to retain the immediate representation of our fully equipped and qualified legal professionals. Our Las Vegas elder law attorneys have the unique and extensive experience necessary to successfully handle your matter.

A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau
Selected for Inclusion in the list of Super Lawyers®
Reputable & Law-Abiding Law Firm
We provide insight and guidance regarding every aspect of estate planning.
We will always give you the personalized attention you deserve.
We will make your case our top priority.